Friday, 11 January 2013

Browser tips in Smalltalk

To bring up a Class browser, aka System browser, type
    aClassName browse 
and do it or (Alt-d)

or World > Class browser (or World > System browser)

The four panes across the browser are (from left to right) Package    Class    Protocol group   Method

The ? button at the bottom of the class pane displays the class comment.

To find an object, focus on the package pane, and Alt-f, or left-click and find class
To find a method, World > Tools > Method finder and type the method name in the top left pane
You can find by name, you can QuickPick through the list of names that match the search substring, or search by the method's effects!  (e.g. search 'eureka' . 'EUREKA' and it will return eureka asUppercase --> 'EUREKA' and list the various Classes that implement an asUppercase method in the right-hand pane.

In Pharo 1.4, use the Finder ( World > Finder ).

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